Research Interests
The integration of protected areas into a more comprehensive landscape approach to conservation is central to sustaining the integrity and function of the earth’s ecosystem. This can only be achieved if approaches to human activities, especially rural livelihoods, also become more conservation focused. This interface is the focus of my research interest. It includes addressing questions of livelihood choices, approaches for improving environmental sustainability of livelihoods and improving cooperative conservation approaches to integrating protected areas into larger landscapes through complementary community based conservation mechanisms. A key element that runs through all of these questions is the level of awareness and understanding of how ecosystems function and the interconnections of human activity to the integrity of the system as a whole. Thus environmental education plays a significant role in my work – understanding how it can be achieved most effectively and with long term benefits. Also central to this work is the relationship between protected areas agencies and local communities as is the contribution of external interests such as nature based tourism. My experience and continued interest focus on two geographical areas – arctic Canada and eastern and southern Africa.
Selected Publications
- Downie, B.K. 2022. A contextual review of Maasai well-being in Tanzania: an annotated bibliography. Kesho Trust, Yukon. Pp. 42.
- Downie, B.K. and Dearden, P. 2018. Short-term needs trump conservation in household livelihood decision-making around Saadani National Park, Tanzania. South African Geographical Journal, 100, 2. DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2017.1342210
- Downie, B.K. 2016. Towards the resolution of a conservation and community conflict: A Tanzania case study. Policy Matters, 20, 66-80.
- Downie, B.K., Dearden, P. and King, L. 2016. Exploring paradoxes in the search for sustainable livelihoods: a case study from Tanzania. Environment Development and Sustainability. DOI: 10.1007/s10668-016-9896-2
- Downie, B.K. 2015. Conservation influences on livelihood decision-making: a case study from Saadani National Park, Tanzania (PhD). University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. [Access: UVic Library]
- Wapling, L. & Downie, B.K. (2012). Beyond charity: a donors guide to inclusive grantmaking. Wellspring: Washington, DC. [Disability Rights Fund]
- Downie, B. K. (2001). Land recreation. In C.B. Wood (Ed.), British Columbia, the Pacific province: geographical essays. Victoria, BC: Western Geographical Press, 197-213
- Downie, B.K. (1998). Parks: a British Columbia perspective. In J.S. Marsh & B.W. Hodgins (Eds.), Changing parks: the history, future and cultural context of parks and heritage landscapes. Toronto: Natural Heritage / Natural History Inc., 238-249
- Downie, B.K. (1993). The Itijjagiaq Trail, Katannilik Park. Iqaluit, NWT: Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Downie, B. K. (1993). Katannilik Territorial Park: an arctic tourism destination. In M.E. Johnston & W. Haider (Eds.), Communities, resources and tourism in the north. Lakehead: Lakehead University, Centre for Northern Studies, 51-60
- Downie, B.K. & Stiven, S. (1988). From trail to highway: a highway guide to the places and the people of the Southwest Yukon and Alaska Panhandle. Haines Junction, Yukon: Champagne-Aishihik Indian Band
- Downie, B.K. & Stiven, S. (1988). Strangers in our land. Cambridge Bay, NWT: Northwest Territories Historic Parks
- Peart, B., Downie, B.K. & Staples, L. (1985). Dehcho ts’q Tili ts’q – rivers to roads: a guide to the highways of the Northwest Territories. Yellowknife, NWT: Economic Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Downie, B.K. (1985). A tourism policy for national parks: a growing need. In E.L. Jackson (Ed.), Current research by western Canadian geographers: the University of Victoria papers. Vancouver, BC.: Tantalus Research Ltd.
- Stiven, S. & Downie, B.K. (1985). National parks and new initiatives in British Columbia. Victoria, BC: National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada
Selected Research and Consulting Reports
- Downie, B.K. (2016). Monitoring framework for Habitat Protection Areas in Yukon. Whitehorse, YK: Environment Yukon
- Downie, B.K. (2015). Review of provincial/territorial evaluation criteria for off-road-vehicle areas. Whitehorse, YK: Environment Yukon
- Downie, B.K. (2014). Tatshenshini River: ten year monitoring report. Whitehorse, YK: Yukon Parks, Department of Environment
- Downie, B.K. (2014). Clearwater Christina Canadian Heritage River: ten year monitoring report. Edmonton: Department of Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Alberta Government
- Downie, B.K. (2013). Yukon River – 30 Mile section: ten year monitoring report. Whitehorse, YK: Yukon Parks, Department of Environment
- Downie, B.K. (2011). Visitor activity planning – theory to practice: developing a framework for visitor activity planning in Tombstone Territorial Park. Whitehorse, YK: Yukon Parks
- Downie, B. K. (2010). Peel watershed recommended plan: review and assessment of First Nations opportunities’. Whitehorse, YK: CPAWS Yukon
- Downie, B.K. (2008). Yukon campground use: analysis of management and expansion opportunities. Whitehorse: Yukon Parks, Department of Environment
- Downie, B.K. (2007). Doi T’oh Territorial Park and CANOL Heritage Trail management plan. Yellowknife, NWT: Tourism and Parks Division, GNWT
- Downie, B. K. (2002). Review of polar bear policy in Nunavut parks. Iqaluit: Nunavut Parks
- Allen, I. A. & Downie, B.K. (1999). School / community linkages: success factors of conservation clubs in Tanzania. Washington, DC: AED
- Downie, B.K. (1999). School / community links in environmental education: a review of the factors of success in the Chongololo Clubs of Zambia. Washington, DC: AED
- Downie, B.K. (1998). Canadian Heritage Rivers System: nomination document for the Cowichan River, BC. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Heritage Rivers Board
- Downie, B.K. (1998). Deline Fsihery / Fort Franklin Historic Site management plan. Deline, NWT: Deline Land Corporation
- Downie, B.K., Ducoslav, E. & Mackenzie, H. (1996). Interpretive plan, Klondike Highway (North). Whitehorse, Yukon: Heritage Branch, Yukon Tourism
- Downie, B.K. (1996). A partnership to manage Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve. Yellowknife, NWT: Dept. of Canadian Heritage
- Downie, B.K. & Threadkell, B. (1995). Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary: summary of background resource information. Yellowknife, NWT: Dept. of Resources, Wildlife & Economic Development
- Downie, B.K. & Threadkell, B. (1995). Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary: summary of background resource information. Baker Lake, NWT: Akiliniq Planning Committee
- Downie, B. K., Szuster, B., Harper, K., & Gordon, D. (1995). Cultural and Natural Background Research for the Proposed Tuktut Nogait National Park. Yellowknife, NWT: Dept. of Canadian Heritage
- Downie, B.K. (1995). South Luangwa planning program: report on tourism. Lusaka, Zambia: IUCN
- Downie, B.K. (1993). Gonarezhou National Park management plan. Harare, Zimbabwe: Dept. of National Parks and Wild Life Management
- Downie, B.K. (1992). Katannilik Territorial Park management plan: Lake Harbour, NWT. Iqaluit, NWT: Dept. of Wildlife, Resources & Economic Development, GNWT
- Downie, B.K. (1992). The Bonnet Plume River, Yukon Territory: background study for the Canadian Heritage Rivers System. Whitehorse, YK: Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division, Yukon Renewable Resources
- Downie, B.K. (1992). Pingo Canadian Landmark National Historic Landmark management plan. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Parks Service
- Downie, B.K. (1991). Canadian Heritage Rivers System: Nomination Document for the Soper River, NorthwestTerritories. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Heritage Rivers Board
- Downie, B.K. (1990). Kuujuaq Territorial Park: feasibility study. Iqaluit, NWT: Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Downie, B.K. (1990). Conceptual design and storyline for Auyuittuq National Park visitor centre. Winnipeg, MB: Parks Canada
- Downie, B.K., Stiven, S., Clements, C., & Youds, K. (1989). Background data and evaluation: Carmanah Creek Valley. Victoria, BC: Sierra Club of Western Canada
- Downie, B.K. & Laird, J. (1989). Liard highway corridor interpretive plan. Yellowknife, NWT: Economic Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Downie, B.K. (1988). Canadian Heritage Rivers System Yukon system study. Whitehorse, YK: Dept. of Renewable Resources
- Downie, B.K. (1987). Northwest Passage Historic Park interpretive plan. Cambridge Bay, NWT: Dept. of Economimc Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Youds, K. & Downie, B.K. (1987). Ecological reserves planning framework. Victoria, BC: Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division
- Downie, B.K. (1986). Horne Lake Caves Provincial Park master plan. Vancouver, BC: BC Parks
- Downie, B.K. (1986). Blackstone Territorial Park interpretive plan. Yellowknife, NWT: Economic Development and Tourism, GNWT
- Downie, B.K. (1986). Anstey Arm recreation capability study. Kamloops, BC: BC Parks
- Downie, B.K. (1985). Saskatchewan Parks Act: White Paper. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources
- Downie, B.K. (1984). Nahanni National Park boundary review. Ottawa, ON: Systems Planning Branch, Parks Canada
- Downie, B.K. (1984). Assessment of candidate park areas in the Fiordland Special Landscape. Victoria, BC: Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division
- Downie, B.K. (1982). A proposal for a management guideline on native involvement in park operations. Ottawa, ON.: Systems Planning Branch, Parks Canada
- Downie, B.K. (1982). Protected areas and native people in the Canadian North. Ottawa, ON: Systems Planning Branch, Parks Canada