WEC Conceptual Design Report Released

Our volunteer Brent Liddle, who traveled to Tanzania at the end of last year, has completed the conceptual design report for the World Elephant Centre initiative.  It is an important step forward in this major undertaking and we appreciate Brent’s significant...

Perspective on Poverty – Saadani

“I don’t consider myself poor as long as I have something to eat.” [village interviewee]   One of the problems our PAPR research program has had is to understand and address poverty in the context of conservation. Typically, approaches to poverty reduction have been...

Another new project!! ICAAD

ICAAD -Improving Community Awareness and Advocacy on Disability is an initiative to address the rights of disabled people to be part of development projects and programs AND it is an opportunity  for the Kesho Trust to develop our capacity to embrace those rights....

Launching ICAAD

Since the project began I have worked on identifying other disabled people and also on identifying barriers and challenges. This work has helped me to realise I am not alone with my disability and that others share many of my challenges.  – DPO representative,...

Elerai Water Project Completed

In 2012 the Kesho Trust formed a partnership with a funding organziation called Help Every Day who are interested in small local projects.  We solicited ideas from our partners and a project submitted by EMAYO was selected for funding which was to extend the rainwater...