Oct 28, 2012
Our project partnership With Sustainable Cities International [SCI] is wrapping up. For the past three years we have worked together on a CIDA funded project promoting responsible urban planning with a focus on urban agriculture, waste management and local...
Oct 27, 2012
Yukon, Canada to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is a long, long way …. but the opportunity to work with the Kesho Trust on an environmental education centre near Saadani National Park made it all worthwhile – what an experience! I was traveling with Bruce Downie,...
Oct 8, 2012
Bob Peart, a Kesho Trust Director and senior associate of the Children and Nature Network in the USA, offered some reflections on the children and nature movement in the context of his recent attendance at the World Conservation Congress in Korea. His article is...
Sep 27, 2012
Brent Liddle of Haines Junction leaves on October 10th on a 2 month assignment to Tanzania. He is taking his expertise in environment and parks interpretation to apply it to two of the Kesho Trust’s projects – an environmental education centre adjacent to...
Sep 27, 2012
KIAC hosted the first Dawson Master Chef Cook-Off on Friday September 14, 2012. Five pairs of Dawson ‘Chefs’ competed for the coveted prize of 2 Golden Chef’s Hats. Their purpose was to raise money for school lunches for the Maasai children of...