Community action reduces tension

Matatu Mngumi Shehe is 37 and has lived in Mkwaja all her life. She is married with five children, two boys and three girls. Her coastal village is located at the northern end of Saadani National Park and contains around 215 households. Most people earn at least part...

Saadani Trails 2

On our recent visit to Saadani, Peter, Bruce and I had the opportunity to sit and talk with representatives from the newly established PECC committees. We visited with each of the committees in the villages of Gongo, Saadani, Mkwaja, Buyuni, Matapwili and Mkange to...

Saadani Trails

The PECC project is just nearing the end of its first quarter and lots of important foundation level activities have been taking place. Progress is also happening around  establishing the land in Mkange, for the Kihembe education centre. From 18th to 21st November...

ICAAD Update

Increasing the Profile of Disability Rights – ICAAD Gets Underway A lot has been happening in our four project districts since we began implementing the Improving Community Awareness and Advocacy on Disability project four months ago. In fact, activities didn’t...

Tofino – PAPR Workshop

The Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction Research Alliance [PAPR] is into it s final year now.  The project has supported considerable research into the relationships between protected area conservation and the challenges of neighbouring communities under the four...

Perspective on Poverty – A response

Bruce’s recent jouranl entry raises some very significant observations around poverty which I would like to build on. As I think you rightly highlight, poverty is multi-dimensional and often subjective which is why coming up with generalised definitions and...