MA (University of Victoria, 2018)
Diploma in Development Leadership (Coady International Institute, 2014)
BA (University of Iringa, 2010)
Emmanuel has a long-term commitment of working towards improving the livelihood of his community through various initiatives that he initiated and supported. He has been with the Kesho Trust since its formation in 2005 from being a beneficiary of the organizations’ programs to becoming a an Executive Director.
In environmental conservation, Emmanuel is both a local and an international figure. Locally, he works with a network of civil society organizations working in conservation and defending the rights of local and indigenous communities such as PAICODEO, PINGOs Forum, TALA, HakiArdhi, and TNRF.
Globally, Emmanuel is a member of the IUCN, the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network and he is honorary member of the ICCA Consortium, a global network working with territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities.
With the Kesho Trust, Emmanuel focused much on organizational management as a Chairperson of the Board of Directors. He is also actively involved in consultancy, research, and fundraising activities.
After completing his undergraduate degree in Tanzania and a diploma in international development in Canada, Emmanuel completed his Masters Degree in the Geography Department of the University of Victoria through a SSHRC funded project in which the Kesho Trust was participating. His program focused on community-based natural resource conservation especially on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) and his thesis assessed the effectiveness of a Community-based Conservation Approach used by Pastoralists in Northern Tanzania.