ICAAD Assessment
Ms. Sue Enfield from the UK was the successful consultant in our recent proposal call to undertake a learning and impact evaluation of the ICAAD project. She has recently completed her field investigations, visiting the four districts – Hai, Moshi, Morogoro and...
Building Kihembe Partnerships
Two members of the Kihembe management team Costa Coucoulis and Bruce Downie met with Regine Qualmann, the Country Director of German Cooperation [GIZ] in Dar es Salaam recently. The German development organizations have a long history in conservation in Tanzania...
I-CAN Inception Meeting
Leaders of the I-CAN project [International Canopy of Conservation] from McGill University and the Africa Conservation Centre in Kenya are meeting with the donors in Ottawa this week to initiate the project. The Kesho Trust is participating n the project with our...
I-CAN Kicks Off
This week the leaders of the I-CAN project are meeting with the project donors, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC] and the International Development Research Centre [IDRC], to finalize details of the project implementation. I-CAN is led by...
Call for Proposals
The Kesho Trust is seeking a consultant to conduct a learning and impact evaluation of our ICAAD initiative - a two year project focused on empowering groups of disabled people to advocate for inclusion at local level. Further information on this proposal is provided...
Reflections from Emmanuel
Reflections from Emmanuel on one of his Courses at the Coady Institute We reported earlier on Emmanuel Ole Kileli, Chair of our partner organization EMAYO, and his acceptance to undertake a diploma program in International Development at the Coady Institute in...
ICAAD Extension
The Kesho Trust is pleased to announce an extension to the ICAAD project - ICAAD 2 - focusing on engagement with the disability sector, especially on issues of the barriers to education for disabled children. Over the next few months we will expand the previous work...
More Yukon volunteers in Tanzania
Vanessa Falle and Brook McKenzie have headed off to Tanzania for a brief but surely eventful time in the Saadani area. Vanessa is gathering photo material for us focused on Kihembe and the lives of the people in the communities of the area. They will be hosted by...
Emmanuel returns to Canada
Emmanuel Ole Kileli, Chair of our partner organization EMAYO, has returned to Canada. This time he has come as a student and is taking a diploma course in International Development at the Coady Institute of St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. ...
New partnership
The Kesho Trust has just reached a new partnership agreement with the Elephant Earth Initiative [EEI]. As a mechanism for supporting elephant conservation globally, the EEI complements our community based conservation efforts and will expand the network of...
Participating in a global research network
The Kesho Trust has been invited to be an affiliate member of the Community Conservation Research Network led by St. Mary's University in Nova Scotia, Canada. This network links 11 different study sites around the world comparing mechanisms of governance and linkages...
A new research program
The Institutional Canopy of Conservation in East Africa [ICC] This seven year research initiative led by McGill University [Montreal, Canada] and the Africa Conservation Centre [Nairobi, Kenya] has recently been awarded funding through the Social Sciences and...