Elerai Water Project Completed
In 2012 the Kesho Trust formed a partnership with a funding organziation called Help Every Day who are interested in small local projects. We solicited ideas from our partners and a project submitted by EMAYO was selected for funding which was to extend the rainwater...
2012 Annual Report Released
2012 was another big year for the Kesho Trust. Our annual report highlights some of the many activities and important contributions people have made to the work of the organziation over the past year. Be sure to have a look and keep up to date with our happenings...
Promoting Conservation in Saadani
Promoting Environmental Conservation and Cooperation [PECC] is our new 2 year project in the Saadani area made possible through the support of the Tanzania Foundation for Civil Society. The goal is to work with 6 communities adjacent to the park to promote greater...
Building Relationships with SANAPA
The work of Kesho Trust in the Saadani area has been building over the past few years. It started with a partnership with SANA back in 2008 when we discussing ideas for possible cooperative ventures. We then joined the PAPR research alliance and promoted Saadani as...
Thanks Ally!
I worked with Ally Abdallah, SANA’s Coordination Manager, for four months. In that time, I heard a lot of his stories. That is the one thing I will always associate with Ally: his stories. Stories about playing pranks on the muzungu school teacher as a kid, of...
Children in Nature – Expert Perspectives
The Winter edition of Leaf Litter focuses on the issue of reconnecting children with nature. Giving Children the Gift of Nature is an interesting series of interviews with Bob Peart, Richard Louv and Stephen Kellert --- each important contributors to the nature...
New Tanzania Board Member – Agnes Sirima
At the November meeting of the Board of Directors of Kesho Trust (Tz) the directors agreed to invite Agnes Sirima to the become a member of the board. Agnes has since accepted the offer and we are delighted to welcome her to work with the Kesho Trust. Agnes is...
Good Hope Update – 2012
Rosemary O'Shaughnessy has sent her annual update for 2012 after her recent visit to Good Hope earlier this month. Catch up on all the progress and great work being done by reading Rosemary's update - click here.
Field of Dreams
En route to the renowned Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti lies a parcel of land with a bright future. The plan is to design and build a world class facility for researchers, scientists, school children and the visiting public to promote elephant conservation. The...
M-K Youth Camps 2012
In the summer of 2012, Wayne Sawchuk and Jerry Pavia again held youth camps at Mayfield Lake, deep in the remote wilderness of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area. These camps are aimed at introducing youth to the M-KMA, but also, in a small way to combat “nature...
Dar Office Move
With the changes in our office space needs resulting from the completion of SCINAP, the Kesho Trust has moved to independent office space - smaller and cost efficient. We are now on Morogoro Road but it is always best to contact Hamidah...
A Big Thank You
Our project partnership With Sustainable Cities International [SCI] is wrapping up. For the past three years we have worked together on a CIDA funded project promoting responsible urban planning with a focus on urban agriculture, waste management and local...