Community Mobilization:
- hold discussions with community research committees and at general public meetings to describe the potential, processes, requirements and commitments required in the establishment of a public awareness program and policy discussion focused on conservation and development – requires preliminary discussions with village councils and other stakeholders
- work with community research committees to establish a network of small discussion groups involving both women and men in each community to provide networks information and feedback – requires link with village council
Conservation Awareness Raising:
- work with established community committees and TANAPA staff to develop and implement the media, activities and events needed to raise community awareness within the communities surrounding the park
- committee representatives, both women and men, from each community will together identify sources of information, key informants and organizations that can support development of the necessary information, program activities and events; visit and gather data from key informants and organizations [including TANAPA]; and, produce communications and implement public awareness program
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- conduct regular meetings with agency staff and with community councils independently and jointly to discuss perceived changes in the relationships [TANAPA – communities]
- survey and document program discussion group participation levels and actions
- survey community knowledge of and attitudes to conservation [through discussion groups]
- analyze infraction data from TANAPA and compare with estimated infractions reported by community committees
Sharing Experience
- develop and implement various approaches for sharing experience [local, national, international]